
Welcome to Ryan Mangan’s IT Blog

Hello all, I’m Ryan Mangan, a seasoned technologist with a passion for all things technology, deeply rooted since my early years. For over 17 years, I’ve had the pleasure of traversing the tech landscape, working with various esteemed organisations and clients to tackle complex technological challenges. From serving as the CTO for appCURE, where I helped clients transition to modern, in-support operating systems, to collaborating with diverse companies in the industry, my career has been an exciting journey of continuous learning and growth.

As a Microsoft MVP, vExpert, and Parallels RAS VIPP, I’ve had the opportunity to specialise in areas that drive today’s digital world – Cloud, Data Centre Technologies, and End User Computing. These recognitions are not just personal accomplishments but also a reflection of my commitment to pushing the boundaries in technology.

My post-nominals include prestigious memberships like Fellow of the British Computer Society (FBCS), Chartered IT Professional (CITP), and Engineering Technician (EngTech) from the Engineering Council, Registered IT Technician (RITTECH) from the British Computer Society, and Member of the Institute of the Royal Engineers (MinstRE).

Through the years, I’ve authored a number of books and publications on various technology aspects, such as “Mastering Azure Virtual Desktop” and “A Introduction to MSIX App Attach,” among others. These writings are an extension of my passion to share knowledge and foster an understanding of complex tech concepts. For more on my publications, feel free to visit my Books and Publications section on the blog: [link]

I also deeply enjoy engaging with the tech community through public speaking, where I share insights and discuss various topics, particularly in the realm of End-user computing.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you find the discussions and insights valuable, and I look forward to engaging with you all in our shared passion for technology.

Blog Awards:

This blog was awarded the top 50 IT blogs in 2020 and the Top 50 Azure blogs in 2020. See the Link to feedspot for more info.

Links to Other Resources:

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve seen your book “Migration Guide: Citrix Cloud with Azure Virtual Desktop”, it’s interesting. Can you recommend a similar guide for migrating from on-premise Citrix XenApp to Azure Virtual Desktop without using Citrix cloud?

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